Wednesday, March 20, 2013

You Can Learn 3-D Modeling on Your Own

This blog is going to document my experiences from learning to do 3-D modeling on my own; and what I learn through the next several years and beyond (possibly), may help others out there as well.
     The 3-D modeling world has been an interest of mine for years and I want to learn and share that information with other people for free. Taking that information to help others understand how to model an object or use a modeling interface, will not only benefit myself, but it will also help them to grasp the subject that they may not fully understand. In order to aid with the modeling subject, I will create a blog in which I will gather information and apply it to the projects that I will complete, as well as explain what I learn through the process. The projects and information will include detailed material for keywords, visual aids, and links to outside sources I find that are extremely helpful and thorough; and I will also explain what certain words or tools are, what they do, and any extra information that can help people to keep that information in their minds easily. Not only will I have access to a lot of visual aids, but I will gather sources created by professionals who already are in the industry. By getting more involved in the industry with professionals, I can offer that inside link and process of getting involved and creating that future dream goal of working in that industry. The only way to reach that future goal in the modeling industry is through learning and applying that information, being open-minded and grasping the different techniques and ways of creating models, to give a deeper understanding of what can work for certain projects and what can't, and become versed in using the proper terms when explaining projects or issues that happen while modeling to fellow colleagues.

     I find a lot of people posting questions on where to start for 3-D modeling and I found similar questions with lots of different responses. In fact, the responses point to a lot of tutorials and how-to's on the web, but not one website goes through the tutorials and explains if it was a good learning experience or not. Or many websites claim they learn and teach, but don't explain how they got to the finished product. One example of a website that teaches is of a blogger that posts pictures of projects they have done and gives value numbers but provides no real understanding on what the values do or what the keywords are. The blogger also has set up their page to include tutorials in another area, but does not link or mention to the reader in the posts to where they could find the exact tutorial or where to look (Malk 2012). There is several websites that are out of date. One website does not explain the terms properly and has information to a lot of outside sources (McSproger 2007). While a few websites don't provide outside sources and discuss how the author has learned to do something in a 3-D modeling program. However, the website lack tutorials or real how-to links for their readers to follow or practice with(Gilbert 2013). A lot of websites do not even relate to the subject, as search engines will take keywords and match them to tags found on the website or blog. For instance, by using the '3-D modeling' keyword, it matched me to a blog written by a company called Shapeways, that does 3-D printing of plastic sculptures (Shapeways 2013). Even though the website discusses a type of 3D object, it does not pertain to the computer graphics side. These types of blogs make up most of what is on the web. There is a need for a type of blog to give proper explanations of what certain words mean and do, how they finish projects, and whether someone can learn from it.

I will learn to do 3-D Modeling on my own and share my experiences as well. Feel free to provide any criticism or suggestions. And don't hesitate to leave a comment as well. 

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